Thursday, June 11, 2009

"No. Not all Americans sound like Forest Gump..."

Well.. Today we went around North Hampton which is where we're living right now with the Mundays. They're completely lovely and COMPLETELY English. Nic came home from school today to a list of things that had boggled us in the hour we had been awake. 1- WHAT THE HECK is going on with the shower. 2- WHERE THE HECK do we put trash. 3-HOW THE HECK do you make the TV work? (which really isn't a cultural difference, that's just us)
Either way- we got things sorted out and went to basically "downtown" Northhampton. They think it's ugly, but it's deffinately not. So we wandered.. then went and picked up some of Nic's friends from school. That means we just walked in, saw some of his friends and took them to the pub. Right in the middle of their school day. Amazing. sooo we went to the pub, discussed "English"... went to go bowling but went to a movie instead (hang over) which we basically chatted through and it was great... had dinner... went to.. some canals....

went to another pub.. came home.. ate more... chatted... and every Brit was exhausted by 11 and we were pushing it by finally parting ways around "half 12"

Now Katie and I don't know what to do with ourselves because it's 7:3- at home and way late here... uggghhhhhhhh
GOODNIGHT sorry this isn't that great, but we do what we can.

ohhh and for some humor- here's Josh (one of Nic's funny friends) quoting "O Brother Where Art Thou" to Nic on our walk back from the Cinema haha

okay.. when we re-watched this we realized it's not very funny because we thought it was funny because he's British and it's O Brother.. BUT it's really funny because every time he tried the punchline a car zoomed by.. that's why we were going to try it later, but I forgot.
Okay- that's it. Goodnight.


  1. Great to see what you are up to. Looks so wonderful, soak it up for all of us. Just wondering where the safety bags are....


  2. his american accent...oh god. haha.
