Wednesday, June 24, 2009


pictures from today and yesterday.

We've been going to work with Donnie. Well he goes to work and we wander around Paris. That means we wake up at 6 and we're on the train at 7 and we're in Paris by 8. Then we leave around 6. That's killed us. but when in Rome....

Yesterday: We went to Musee d'Orsay. loved it. Notre Dame. Conciergerie. All very cool. Then we walked around Paris.
Today: We did the Louvre. Walked ALL around Paris. BEAUTIFUL.


  1. Just keep wondering!!! Every corner every gate offers the most amazing hidden view. Thanks for posting some photos it is soooo good for all of us who are living vicariously thruough you. LOVE YALL

  2. Sounds like good scenery and good exercise. What more could you ask for.

  3. How about that!? You guys are in some of the most wonderful places in the world! I keep looking at them and thinking, "Look at where they are!!!" Thanks for sharing the experience with us!

    Love you guys!

  4. second to last picture its in a jason mraz video i found, check your facebook.
