Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today we went to work with Don for a while and pretended we were scientists on a board deciding to fire another scientist. Cool.
Then we ate at a really cool REAL Italian restaurant. It was great as well.
Then we took the metro to the artist's place.. I don't remember what it's called but it's famous and French so even if I could remember I wouldn't be able to spell it. BUT IT WAS AMAZING. Kim- it's where you got that super cool portrait done. We didn't because we didn't have cash on us. Lamest thing in the world.

but it was really nice and I took some pictures.


  1. I believe it is spelled Montmartre. Cool area, huh? If you get back there, get your picture done and I'll pay for it.

  2. OHHHH Yes it is a wonderful place!! I remember having that done it was really cool! Oh man I wish you had gotten a portrait done, it is something I will always treasure and I know dad would love to have one of you. Keep having a blast I love seeing what you are up to. LOVE YOU!!
