Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'll show you Paris in the morning

Alright- well we are now in France. Sally took us to the train where we chunnelled. We sat across from some Aussies and had a nice chat. We were kind of nervous because we hadn't really gotten in touch with Donnie and didn't really know if he would be there. Also, since we barely knew him, we weren't sure if we'd recognize him and Martine even if they were there. Soo- we got off the train (welcomed by a swarm of protestors) to be greeted by our lovely family members. THANK GOD. Soo we wandered and drove through Paris for a while. Then went to the goat farm.. then came home to Don's. SOO now we're here and today wandered around a little villiage and we're just enjoying overselves.

I'm le tired.

(there's not a lot)


  1. Look at you wearin' that scarf like a champ!

  2. You guys look so cute! Thanks for the pics!

    A goat farm??? I could not have planned a better stop for you guys!!!

    Love you/miss you!


  3. The Yellow coat has arrived in Pari!!! I LOVE IT!!! Thank you thank I mean you look FAB Darinlg :)
