Saturday, June 27, 2009

SOO up until the point we haven't really been around the Eiffel Tower.
TODAY that changed. That's right our FOURTH full day in Paris and we finally got it. So although today was filled with many interesting points- the tower stole the show.

How about we just do nothing

I KNOW- it's basically sinful to be in France and say "Let's just spend the day at home"... but Katie and I thought it'd be the best thing. And it was.

Donnie and I gardened.
Arthus and Martine even came out and we all picked cherries.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today we went to work with Don for a while and pretended we were scientists on a board deciding to fire another scientist. Cool.
Then we ate at a really cool REAL Italian restaurant. It was great as well.
Then we took the metro to the artist's place.. I don't remember what it's called but it's famous and French so even if I could remember I wouldn't be able to spell it. BUT IT WAS AMAZING. Kim- it's where you got that super cool portrait done. We didn't because we didn't have cash on us. Lamest thing in the world.

but it was really nice and I took some pictures.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


pictures from today and yesterday.

We've been going to work with Donnie. Well he goes to work and we wander around Paris. That means we wake up at 6 and we're on the train at 7 and we're in Paris by 8. Then we leave around 6. That's killed us. but when in Rome....

Yesterday: We went to Musee d'Orsay. loved it. Notre Dame. Conciergerie. All very cool. Then we walked around Paris.
Today: We did the Louvre. Walked ALL around Paris. BEAUTIFUL.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

sorry for the lack of pictures the last couple days.
but we have been REALLY tired by the time we can get to this.
so you should all take pride in the fact that we are taking care of ourselves to stay healthy.

anyways, today we went into paris for the first time.
we went to the Musee d'Orsay, Notre Dame, and the Conciergerie (which is the place where Marie Antionette was held until her death).

it was a pretty intense day.
love you all.

Monday, June 22, 2009

So today we went to Louis xiv's mistress' castle

Sunday, June 21, 2009


So- today we went to Versailles to go to the palace (of Versailles). It was suuupper pretty. BUT the day started with Martine dropping us off for about an hour or 2 because she went to go see her dad and then came back to do the palace gardens with us. This all around noon. So Katie and I went to the bank and then wandered around this foreign country looking for FOOD. We passed several little eating area that we couldn't understand the menu of and while walking past one of the many- a man BONJOURed us. Oh no. So.. somehow he communicated with us that we could eat on the terrace and pointed so we just went over there. On the way (since the only French I can manage thus far is "I don't understand") he asked me "English?" and I said... "Si! uhhhh OUI!" then Katie and I just about lost it. Sooo then we go about pointed to what we want to eat (which isn't really what we'd WANT if we would read it, but we pointed to what we knew wasn't poison.) Later in the meal we realized our new waiter spoke some English because he said something about my tattoo. "Love? Love who? Love me? Love you?" which I responded to with "LOVE YOU!" to the French man who brought me food. We laughed for that a little then later when he came back to pick up plates he said "I love you.." while he was walking off..
So that was our funny brunch basically.
I now have a French lover.

Speaking of LOVERS- The gardens at the Palace of Versailles should be something you do with a lover. Not you can't do them pleasantly loverless, but I bet they're great with a lover.